Introvert Insights is one of the most comprehensive blogs about introverts.
If you’re interested in truly understanding introverts—and how you can thrive as the introvert you are—you’re in the right place.
The Energy It Takes to Be Someone You're Not Is Unsustainable
You can try to go against your own introverted grain—and many…
Finally, We Can Define Introversion by What It Is vs. What It Is Not
Too often, in Western culture especially, we define introversion…
Extroversion Is (Still) the Ideal We're Supposed to Pursue in Life
In Western culture especially, extroversion is seen as the gold…
You Can Bring Your Introvert Capabilities to Most Any Activity
The capabilities that come quite naturally to you as an introvert…
There's a Reason Your Introversion Is So Influential in Your Life
Your introversion is one of the most influential aspects of your…
You Don't Need to Speak to Voice a Message That Really Matters
When you're an introvert, the most powerful way for you to speak…
Extroverting When You Need to Is Like Eating Your Vegetables
You may not love extroverting. That's understandable. But sometimes…
Saying No: For Introverts Especially, It's an Indispensable Skill
Saying no can be challenging, especially if you're an introvert.…
The Career Portfolio—an Introvert's Best Friend in Job Interviews
When you're an introvert, job interviews are tough—in more…
As an Introverted Volunteer, You May Be the Perfect Garden Bloom
You and your introverted temperament are likely an ideal fit…
The World Is Starting to See—and Cater to—the Introvert's Way
When you're an introvert, you get used to the world catering…
The Good Things That Happen When You Minimize Distractions
Online education offers a glimpse of what's possible—particularly…
A Quieter "Drive Time" Allows New Ideas to Hop in for the Ride
The quieter you can make your surroundings—intentionally—the…
If You're an Introvert, Forest Bathing Will Replenish Your Gas Tank
Forest bathing is just what it sounds like—bathing yourself…
Jim and Stan Should Have Used One-on-One Connecting Tactics
We introverts are good at connecting with people one on one.…
Lesson from a Fellow Introvert: Other People Can't Read Your Mind
You probably don't seriously think that other people can read…
Your Introversion Influences Virtually Every Relationship You Have
Your introversion comes into play in most every relationship…
Buying Yourself Time to Think in the Moment—a Key Introvert Skill
When you're an introvert, having time to think before you share…
Socializing When You Don't Feel Like It—A Few Tricks of the Trade
Sometimes you're basically forced into socializing; you don't…
Yes, Fellow Introvert—You (and I!) Need to Get Some Good Sleep
Yes, some studies suggest that introverts do better than extroverts…
Reflection Before and During Is as Crucial as Reflection After
We typically think of reflection as something we do after the…
Your Introversion Is a Core Part of Your Personal Operating System
Your introversion is a major component of the operating system…
Labels Can Boost Your Confidence as an Introvert—or Destroy It
Are you slow, or are you methodical? Are you rigid, or are you…
Part of Being an Introvert Is Explaining It—in the Teaching Sense
Being an introvert means calmly explaining your introversion…
Sometimes, Overstimulation—Not Energy—Is the Problem at Hand
Yes, you have to manage your energy as an introvert. But frequently…
For Introverts, Passion Is as Powerful as Popeye's Spinach
When you're an introvert, passion can to turn you into the Energizer…
You Don't Need to Be Talking to Be Engaged in What's Going On
In the workplace, at school, practically everywhere—engagement…
5 Ways to Cultivate the Deep Conversations We Introverts Crave
Yes, even in this age of constant distractions and interruptions,…
To Be a Healthy, Happy Introvert, You May Need to Address Shame
Shame is a powerful, debilitating force in the lives of many…
Social Events Can Be More Satisfying When You Have a Job to Do
Social events are often hard when you don't know many—or any—other…
Got a Difficult Task You Need to Complete? Schedule It—on Paper
When you schedule a difficult task—on paper, especially—you…
Define Happiness for Yourself, Fellow Introvert—Your Own Way
Happiness is not a one-size-fits-all entity. It looks, and feels,…
Your Introvert Brain and Your Mindset Are a Powerful Combination
When you combine your introvert brain (always thinking!) with…
You Deserve to ... and Need to ... and Can Be the Introvert You Are
If you want to be truly healthy and happy in life, just go ahead…
Introversion Presents Itself in Different Ways for Different People
Your introversion presents differently in you than it does in…
Little Social Interactions Produce Big Benefits—for Introverts, Too
The mini social interactions you have each day—with the barista,…
Fellow Introverts: Aim Higher Than Merely Surviving the Holidays
Too often, we introverts think about simply surviving the holidays.…
A Positive Self-Concept Anchors Your Well-Being as an Introvert
Having a positive self-concept of yourself as an introvert—that…
"Scatterfocus"—a Way for Introverts to Plan, Recharge, and Create
Feeling lost? Tired? Out of ideas? All three?! Intentional scatterfocus…
How Do You Comfort an Introvert? With Quiet, Introverted Actions
If you really want to comfort an introvert in your life who is…
Replenish Yourself Now with the Activities You Loved as a Kid
Sometimes the best—and easiest—way to replenish yourself…
Solitude vs. Isolation—The 4 "Ifs" That Signify Healthy Alone Time
What constitutes healthy solitude vs. isolation? Here's a handy…
What You Seek to Avoid as an Introvert Is a Clue to What You Want
How do you figure out what you want—and need—as an introvert?…
Your Introversion Is a Part of You. Your Shyness Need Not Be
Shyness is a behavioral difficulty. Introversion is a normal…
Make a Difference in People's Lives Your Own Introverted Way
You don't need many—or any—words to make a difference in…
Depth Is a Frequently Overlooked Aspect of Introvert Well-Being
Many introverts overlook—or are simply unable to put their…
To Fight Stress as an Introvert, Focus on What You Can Control
When you're feeling stressed—or worse—as an introvert, focus…
Peace and Quiet Is an Escape, but It Needs to Be a Pursuit, Too
The peace and quiet you need as an introvert sometimes materializes…
Being an Introvert Doesn't Define You—but It Is a Big Part of You
Being an introvert means you have introverted tendencies you…
Feeling Overwhelmed Lately? The Speed of Life May Be to Blame
Feeling overwhelmed these days, fellow introvert? It could be…
Acting Out of Character Doesn't Mean Becoming an Extrovert
Author Brian Little calls it "acting out of character"—being…
You Don't Need Permission—or Lots of Time—to Recharge Yourself
When you need to recharge yourself as an introvert, go ahead…
Look for Your Introvert Gifts in the Traits You Supposedly Lack
You have amazing introvert gifts. One powerful way to identify…
Your Introvert Strengths Are Probably Hiding in Plain Sight
Other people in your life can see your introvert strengths far…
Introvert Burnout—Fight It with The 4 Pillars of Introvert Well-Being
How can you combat introvert burnout—prevent it, even? The…
Self-Care for Introverts—Sometimes, It's Just Tuning Out for a Bit
Self-care for introverts is often nothing more than tuning out…
Think of Your Introversion as a Tendency—Because It's Not a Type
Myth: Introversion is part of your personality type. Reality:…
Introverts Can "Act Extroverted"—Be Extroverted—When It Matters
Sometimes introverts need to "act extroverted"—or just let…
External Stimulation Takes a Toll on Introverts—Insidiously
Too much external stimulation makes the typical introvert shut…
Let Traumatic Experiences Come Out—Your Own Introverted Way
The internalized thinking you do as an introvert can exacerbate…
Harness the Way Introverts Work Best—You May Surprise Yourself
It's easy to believe that many of life's minor challenges are…
Introverts Can Express Themselves Beautifully Without Talking
Frequently, introverts can express themselves best in ways that…
Introverts Like to Socialize in a Different Way—Our Own Way
The way introverts like to socialize is just different from—not…
"Fallow Time" Is Replenishing Time for Your Introverted Soul
"Fallow time" gives farmland a chance to rejuvenate itself and…
The Extrovert Ideal Is Real—Be You Anyway, Fellow Introvert
When you're an introvert living in Western culture, you're surrounded…
A New Year's Resolution for Introverts—Be the Introvert You Are!
Here's an inviting New Year's resolution for introverts everywhere:…
Always Remember—There's Really No Such Thing as an Introvert
It sounds odd to say it, but it's true: There's no such thing…
To Socialize as an Introvert, Go Your Own Way—Not the Extrovert's
When you want to socialize as an introvert, you'll probably go…
Introverts Need to Talk Too—There's No "Introvert Code" to Uphold
Introverts need to talk just like everybody else does. Don't…
Alone Time for Introverts—Yes, There's Such a Thing as Too Much
Quiet author Susan Cain said it best: Alone time, for introverts,…
Introverts Need Time to Think to Offer the World Our Best
To feel our best and offer our best, introverts need time to…
Introverts Don't Like People? Not According to Introverts!
Myth: Introverts don't like people. We're antisocial. Reality:…
Introverts Listen—Then Talk—Because We're Highly Engaged
Typically, introverts listen first—perhaps for quite a while—then…
Introverts Need Time to Process Before All the Questions Come
Introverts need time to process—and start recovering—before…
The Introvert's Bill of Rights—What Introverts Deserve in Life
The Introvert's Bill of Rights is a declaration of independence—the…
It's Not Just You—Most Introverts Get Overstimulated Easily
Lots of introverts get overstimulated in situations that would…
When Introverts Need Alone Time, We Get to Pick the Flavor
Maybe you want to be alone all alone. Or maybe you want to be…
Introverts Prefer to Work Alone—or with the Right Somebody Else
Usually introverts prefer to work alone. But if you can collaborate…
Sometimes, Introverts Find Peace by Moving—Not Waiting
We introverts need quiet to replenish our proverbial batteries.…
They May Not Always Talk Much, but Introverts Have a Lot to Say
Myth: Introverts have little or nothing to say. Reality: Introverts…
In an Extroverted World, You Need to Be an Advocate for Introverts
Are introverts really that misunderstood? Yes. That's why part…
Deep Thinking—Embrace It, Fellow Introvert, but Don’t Chase It
Deep-thinking introverts are drawn to, well, thinking! But sometimes…
Yes, Introverts Hate Small Talk—Unless a Little Depth Skates By
Why do introverts hate small talk so much? It's shallow. Add…
Introverts Are Not All the Same—Especially in Socializing Needs
When it comes to social events like "happy hour," introverts…
Yes, Introverts Need to Be Alone—but Not Necessarily All Alone
Introverts need to be alone at times so that we can recharge…
Combating Myths About Introversion Is Not the Same as Whining
When you push back against all the myths about introversion,…
You Don't Have to Justify Your Decisions as an Introvert
When you're an introvert in our extroverted culture, it's easy…
How Can You Survive the Holidays as an Introvert? Reclaim Them
You can do more than "survive" the holidays as an introvert.…
Take Care of Yourself as an Introvert—It Beats Eating Your Kids
How can you best take care of yourself as an introvert? Not by…
Self-Promotion as an Introvert—It Doesn't Have to Be an Oxymoron
When it comes to self-promotion as an introvert, you don't have…
Yoga: The (Perhaps) Ideal Body and Mind Workout for Introverts
When it comes to deciding on a good workout for introverts, yoga…
We Control Only So Much—We Have to Be Able to Wing It Too
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Peter VogtIt’s natural to gravitate toward the things we can control in life. But we still have to be nimble enough to freelance when situations call for it. We were at the Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge near my hometown of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. I was with my son Theo’s class (he was a fourth-grader at the […]