Online Course for Introverts

Be Healthy and Happy Your Way …


The Most In-Depth Online Course for Introverts!

Step 1: Enroll to get instant access to the course.

Step 2: Learn The 4 Pillars of Introvert Well-Being life management tool.

Step 3: Use the tool each day to be healthy and happy—your way, as the introvert you are!

Fellow Introvert, There’s a Reason You’re So


I don’t mean plain old tired, like you need a nap.

I mean this kind of tired:

As in fed up.


Tired of trying to be, and act like, the extrovert you’re not—and tired of feeling like you have to in this extrovert-worshiping world of ours.

Tired. Beyond. Words.

So …

What IS the reason?

Why ARE you so tired—and so sick and tired of being sick and tired!—physically, mentally, emotionally?

The answer isn’t complicated. It really isn’t.

It’s just hiding, in plain sight—for you and millions of other introverts out there.

You Need What You Need as the Introvert You Are—It’s Not Optional

A simple everyday example explains it best …

Think about when you’re hungry. What’s going on when you’re hungry?

Easy: You need food.

More precisely: You need food and you haven’t gotten enough of it. Or any of it.

That is to say:

You’re not getting what you need.

What about when you’re thirsty. What’s going on then?

Same thing:

You’re not getting what you need.

Water (or some other liquid), in this case.

So, back to our original question …

Why are you so damn tired right now, in every conceivable way?


You’re not getting what you need.

More precisely in this case:

You’re not getting what you need
as an introvert in this very extroverted world of ours.

So is it really any wonder you’re so frustrated and exhausted?

What You Need as an Introvert in an Extrovert World—and How to Get It

This, of course, raises the two questions that matter most to YOU:

What DO you need as an introvert living
in this very extroverted world of ours?

and …

How do you GET it—consistently, each day?

You’ll get the answers in my on-demand online course for introverts:

The Most In-Depth Online Course for Introverts!

You’ll learn exactly what you need to do—every day—to be healthy and happy in life.

Your OWN way.

As the introvert you are.

What You Get—a Practical Tool You’ll Use Every Day to Thrive Your Own Way

What—specifically and tangibly—do you get when you enroll in “Be the Introvert You Are!”?

You get a TOOL.

A practical tool that will become a part of your everyday life, your daily routine, from here on out.

It’s called The 4 Pillars of Introvert Well-Being, and it looks like this:

The 4 Pillars of Introvert Well-Being—the practical life management tool you'll learn in the online course for introverts

You’ll use The 4 Pillars tool each day for two purposes that are essential to your well-being as an introvert in an extrovert world:

To DIAGNOSE what’s wrong when
you’re feeling lousy—so you can then do something about it.

and …

To PREVENT yourself from having those bad days
in the first place. To set yourself up for good days instead!

The 4 Pillars of Introvert Well-Being tool is a custom checklist you’ll use to run your life wisely as an introvert.

So that you don’t merely survive as an introvert …

You thrive as an introvert.

Your way.

The 4 Pillars of Introvert Well-Being Life Management Tool—in a Nutshell

The 4 Pillars of Introvert Well-Being are the 4 things you (and all of us introverts) NEED in life—your non-negotiables:

  • SOLITUDE — alone time, quiet time
  • REFLECTION — time to think
  • FOCUS — no distractions and interruptions
  • DEPTH — deep engagement in your relationships and activities

These pillars are built on a crucial foundation: you having a positive view of yourself AS AN INTROVERT.

When any part of this setup is weak—or missing—you suffer. Maybe that’s where you are right now.

But when you keep everything strong and consistently in place, you thrive. Your well-being soars—and you’re healthy and happy as the introvert you are.

It’s that simple.

And it’s what you’ll learn, in depth, in “Be the Introvert You Are!”


  • You’ll know exactly what you need each day to thrive as an introvert—and how to get it.
  • You’ll (re)claim the respect you deserve.
  • You’ll be done forever with justifying your introverted needs and decisions.
  • You’ll be healthy and happy your own way, as the introvert you are!

Module-by-Module Course Overview of “Be the Introvert You Are!”

“Be the Introvert You Are!” is the most comprehensive, in-depth online course for introverts.

Note: This is not an empty claim. I’ve done my homework on this, and I encourage you to do the same. Yes, you’ll find other online courses for introverts out there—but they are much more targeted at narrow niches, and they tend to focus on business/career topics vs. your life as a whole. You’re more than your job!

“Be the Introvert You Are!” features 8 video modules, each running about 25 minutes (the length of a TV episode) so that they’re manageable and not overwhelming.

Here’s what each module covers:

Module 1 — Introversion 101

If you don’t understand what your introversion is all about, and you don’t respect your introverted strengths and preferences, you end up being unhealthy and unhappy. But when you DO understand what introversion is and you DO respect your introverted tendencies, you thrive. And you stay true to yourself—you’re the authentic you.

Module 2 — The 4 Pillars of Introvert Well-Being — The Foundation: A Positive Self-Concept

If you DON’T have a positive view of yourself as an introvert—if you really believe messages like “something must be wrong with me,” just because you’re an introvert—you’re going to suffer and struggle in life. Needlessly and unfairly. But when you DO have a positive self-concept of yourself as an introvert, you have the self-assurance you need to shake the negative beliefs and run your life your way—at last.

Module 3 — The 4 Pillars of Introvert Well-Being — Solitude

When you plug your phone in, the battery recharges and the mechanical parts get a break. That’s how your phone keeps performing well and chugging along, day after day. As an introvert, you need to keep your battery charged too. And you need physical, psychological, and emotional breaks so you keep chugging along each day. Solitude is your go-to way of recharging and replenishing. Alone time is not optional!

Module 4 — The 4 Pillars of Introvert Well-Being — Reflection

Reflection—thinking time—lets you process your thoughts and feelings so you can make sense of them and learn something from them. But there’s more to reflection than reflecting AFTER the fact. Reflection also helps you BEFORE things happen, because it gives you the chance to prepare for them. Reflection helps you IN THE MOMENT, too—while something is happening—because it buys you critical seconds to pause so you can respond effectively in real time.

Module 5 — The 4 Pillars of Introvert Well-Being — Focus

When you can’t focus on the task at hand—the one you’re working on right now—and it’s all because you’re being interrupted or distracted nonstop … well, you go nuts (and rightfully so)! You also go nuts when the many tasks on your plate clash with your preference for tackling one thing at a time. But when you get the focus you need, in both contexts, you feel your best, think your best, and perform your best as an introvert.

Module 6 — The 4 Pillars of Introvert Well-Being — Depth

Your introverted “operating system” is built on depth. For you, quality beats quantity. And engagement beats bouncing around. And taking your time, being methodical, beats rushing. That’s what depth is all about. It governs three key areas of your life: your activities, your relationships, and your communications with other people.

Module 7 — The 4 Pillars in the Real World — Using the Tool in Your Everyday Life

How will you use The 4 Pillars of Introvert Well-Being in your life each day? First, you’ll use it as a DIAGNOSTIC tool, to figure out what’s wrong when you’re feeling lousy so you can then do something about it. Even better, you’ll use it as a PREVENTION tool, to fend off the lousy days and instead set yourself up for good ones.

Module 8 — A Brief Recap, and the Point of It All — Be the Introvert You Are!

It’s so easy to lose track of why you started doing something in the first place! I don’t want that to happen to you here. Remember the big picture, the whole point of the course: You DESERVE to just go ahead and be the introvert you are, and live your own way. In fact, you NEED to be the introvert you are to be truly healthy and happy in life. Everything you’ve learned in the course will help you do just that. Consistently. Daily.

Each module in the course also features hands-on activities that will help you personalize your understanding of the material so you can apply it in your own life each day.

And just so you know …


So take your time going through the modules and exercises, and come back to them whenever you need a refresher.

Enroll Now for Almost $1,500 in Free Bonuses That Deepen Your Learning

Enroll in “Be the Introvert You Are!” now and you’ll get 6 additional bonuses that will deepen your learning and reinforce your self-concept as an introvert:

  • Lifetime access to our private online group exclusively for course members. This is a powerful resource. Think of it as coaching for introverts, in a group format. It’s the place where you can bring YOUR specific questions, concerns, and situations—so that you can get the individualized help you need, both from me and your fellow course members ($700 value)
  • Introvert Insights - a free monthly newsletter that is one of the bonuses you receive for taking the online course for introverts A lifetime subscription to my monthly PDF newsletter, Introvert Insights, which is filled with tips, tricks, and tools to help you live your own way as an introvert—and thrive ($600 value)
  • The Introvert Manifesto (book) - another free bonus you get when you enroll in the online course for introverts A printed-and-mailed copy of my book, The Introvert Manifesto, which will help you understand how you tick as an introvert—and why ($50 value)
  • The Introvert's Bill of Rights (poster) - yet another free bonus you receive when you sign up to take the online course for introverts A printed-and-mailed copy of The Introvert’s Bill of Rights, my inspirational wall poster that spells out the 10 truths we introverts hold dear that aren’t always so self-evident (especially to other people in our lives)! ($50 value)
  • PDFs of the course slides ($50 value)
  • An attractive course completion certificate [PDF] ($25 value)

That’s $1,475 worth of extras—all included with your course enrollment investment.

Be the Introvert You Are—and Live Life Your Own Way, at Last!

You’ve probably heard this striking definition of insanity:

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

This definition holds when you add the word “not” to the idea.

If you continue NOT acting in your own interest—if you keep NOT getting what you need each day as an introvert—then it’s insane to think your situation is going to improve. It won’t.

In fact, it will likely get worse.

And that means more of the same for you.

More exhaustion.

More frustration.

And more of all the other unnecessary costs—physical, mental, and emotional—that go with it all.

(Those costs go beyond you, by the way. They affect the other people in your life too. The people you care about.)

If you want to get something different, you have to DO something different.

And if you want to get something better, you have to DO something better.

So … it’s decision time.

Are you going to:

a) Keep doing what you’ve been doing—and not doing what you’ve not been doing—and expect a different, better result that isn’t going to come?

Or …

b) Change course—and TAKE the online course for introverts that will help you become truly healthy and happy as the introvert you are?

Pick b).

You deserve b).

Enroll now in “Be the Introvert You Are!”—the most in-depth, comprehensive online course for introverts you’re ever going to find.

It’s time.

It’s your time.

See you in the course.

Meet Your Empathetic Guide—Peter Vogt, The Introvert Advocate

Peter Vogt, The Introvert Advocate—founder of Introvert Insights and teacher/guide for the online course for introverts
  • Introvert for 50+ years!
  • Master’s degree in Counseling, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (USA)
  • Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications, Minnesota State University Moorhead (USA)
  • Certified Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) practitioner
  • Former college career/personal counselor
  • Husband, dad, dog person, cat person too, nature lover, Beatles fan

If you really want to understand where I’m coming from—and how it relates to YOUMy Core Belief will tell you everything you need to know. Use it to gauge your fit, both with me and the course.

I’ve been studying introverts and introversion for more than 25 years now. And I’ve been an introvert myself for 56 (and counting)!

So I get it.

I know what it’s like to be an introvert in an extrovert world. I understand introvert struggles and frustrations because I’ve lived them, and still do, same as you.

But I also know what’s right and true—and FAIR—for you, for me, and for introverts everywhere:

You DESERVE to just go ahead and be who you really are in life—to be the introvert you are. And you deserve to get what you need each day too.

More urgently:

You NEED to be the introvert you are, and you NEED to get what you need each day, to be truly healthy and happy in life.

The good news?

You CAN be the introvert you are, and you CAN get what you need each day. It’s possible!

And the best news of all:

With the right knowledge, the right tools, and the right mindset, you WILL.

That’s what “Be the Introvert You Are!” is all about.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What if I enroll in the course and then change my mind?

Once you enroll in the course, you’ll have 14 days, risk-free, to decide if it’s right for you. If, in that time, you decide the course is not for you, you can cancel (just email me) and get a full refund. No hassle, no guilt trip.

How long will I have access to the course?

For life. There is no time limit for completing the course. In fact, I encourage you to circle back to the modules and activities anytime you need a refresher.

How long will I have access to the course’s private online group?

For life. It’s meant to be a continuing resource for you, especially when you have questions/concerns that are unique to you and your situation. Think of the group as an endless introvert coaching opportunity.

Do I HAVE to join the private online group?

No. It’s totally up to you. That said: I hope you will join. For many people, the online group is the most powerful aspect of the course, because it’s where you can take your individual questions and concerns and get some answers, from me and the others in the group. Like I said: It’s coaching for introverts—group style, and by and with other introverts who are sharing their experiences and insights.

Do you (i.e., Peter Vogt) participate actively in the private online group?

Absolutely. I’m in the group virtually every day, contributing wherever I can. I love being part of the interactions and the growth. The group is my favorite part of the course. (It brings back happy memories of when I did something similar with college students and recent college graduates for global careers website Monster in the early 2000s.)

What happens after I enroll?

You’ll receive several automated emails from the course platform provider, Thinkific, which will tell you how to log in and get started. You’ll also receive a personal email from me, welcoming you to the course and letting you know how you can join the course’s private online group if you so choose. I’ll send occasional emails of encouragement as well. We’re in this thing together!

How quickly can I get started once I’ve enrolled?

“Be the Introvert You Are!” is an on-demand, asynchronous (i.e., not live) course. So once you enroll and pay your course fee, you’ll be able to access the material immediately.

What payment options are available to me?

You can pay your course fee with any major credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express etc.), as well as Apple Pay and Google Pay. Since Thinkific (the course platform provider) payments are powered by Stripe, you can verify the payment options you have (with respect to your country of residence) by consulting Stripe’s brief Supported Card Brands page.

I don’t live in the United States. Are you REALLY going to send me the two physical-copy bonuses (The Introvert Manifesto book and The Introvert’s Bill of Rights poster) in the regular postal (snail) mail?

Yes. It doesn’t matter what country you live in. I’ll ship the book and poster to you.

I have a question that isn’t covered here. How can I get an answer?

Just email me directly at and I will respond promptly. Ask away!

$495 for lifetime access to the course

Lifetime access to the course’s private online group

3 1/2 hours of video-based content

Activities to personalize and expand your learning

Plus the 6 additional bonuses ($1,475 combined value)

14-day money back guarantee